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The Towson University history department sponsors the Theta Beta Chapter of the national history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta.


Professors Benjamin Zajicek and Nicole Dombrowski-Risser are currently the faculty advisors.


Phi Alpha Theta’s mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, education, publication, and the discussion of ideas among historians. The group strives to bring students, teachers, writers, and those with a passion for history together both intellectually and socially.


Applications for membership are open through the first two full months of the fall and spring semesters. An initiation ceremony is held each spring to honor the year's initiates and get together with current members. Theta Beta Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta at Towson University is open to students who meet the following criteria:


  • at least 12 hours of history coursework completed at Towson University

  • grade point average of 3.0 or higher

  • history grade point average of at least 3.1 at Towson University

  • one-time payment of membership fee: $45

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